S-1963, Caregivers bill signed into law May 5, 2010

I followed this bill in congress from it's beginning to the day it was signed by President Obama. It does provide benefits for caregivers from all service time, however, for those caregivers Prior to Sept. 11, 2001 it is limited to what amounts to a pat on the back. Only those caregivers for injuries suffered since 9/11 receive true benefits...a stipend monthly, medical coverage, respite care etc. When our legislators signed this bill and the President fixed his signature to it they all KNEW and it was stated that if this bill were passed as written it would discriminate against over 56,000 caregivers from other service times. I ask you...how can our own government participate in such discrimination? I, like so many others, gave up a successful business, a college education and the ability to bring a second income into our home while living in a two income economy. Due to confidentiality for over 22 years the VA medical center would tell me when I would call them for assistance in caring for my husband ...you can tell us whatever you want but we will not discuss his case with you, I devised my own treatment plan, taught myself how to watch for cluing behavior and learned to redirect his thinking when he was losing ground. I encouraged him to go to the VA hospital when medications failed to work and continually supported him emotionally,cared for him and his needs. I willingly did this, with no expectation of any help. However, now that the government has recognized that all of these injured Veterans receive life sustaining care from their own family members there was hope for us. I believe the caregivers post 9/11 deserve all the support they get for their dedication to their wounded warrior AND SO DO I.

Phoenix, AZ