Returning from Iraq in 2004

When I returned from my first roughing Iraq, I thought for sure I was returning to an empty home with merely a friend to greet me. upon being released from the gym, I departed to retrieve my bags. Then I hear them call for me over the PA system. I walk back into the gym, which is completely flooded with people. As I am making my way through the crowd looking for my friend Shannon, a voice behind me says "Hey Kiddo". I turned around and my knees buckled. my father made the trip from New Jersey to surprise me. It was the best homecoming ever.
In 2006 when I came home for R&R and my folks had no idea. I flew to northern Michigan and rented a jeep and drove the 4 hrs to town and parked across from my folks animal shelter they were building. with the help of some of the other folks from the shelter, we convinced them to go to the shelter to check on it. when they showed up I pulled in and surprised them. it was the best surprise I could give them after what my father could give me. My father passed away from my.g cancer in July 2010. The homecomings, reenlistments and promotions he was able to attend forever remain in my heart because those were his proudest moments.

Atlanta, MI