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When I flew home from Viet Nam after my third tour, it was on a commercial airliner. However, we landed at an Air Force base somewhere in Southern California. Seems "they" didn't want the public to see us. We were even told to get out of uniform ASAP.

Now returning service men and women get standing ovations as they walk through airports on the way home. I am thrilled that they are recognized as having served their country. I only wish that we could have had the same honor - we had to be hidden so the public wouldn't spit on us or, worse yet, throw things at us.

Please continue to show support for those that serve out GREAT country! They deserve it!

Even with all the crap that I saw, and the rude receptions received, I am PROUD to have served my country! "They" can't take that away!

I am proud of those that choose to serve!

Greenfield, WI