POW Stories

My father in law was A POW ffrom 1945 to 1946 in the Army . Boy he tell you some stories about life as a POW. When He talked about the food he said it all tastes like chicken. And now thinking back I dont remember him eating chicken. We all heard about the horrible conditions the POW's lived in, not enough meals, personel things we take for granted that they did not have, something as simple as toilet paper he was glad to have. He always made a joke about the bad things, but looking back on the stories made me realize that is what made him the man he was. Caring, giving, strong, Understanding, and a love for god, his family, his country, and his fellow man.
When I see some one in Uniform I think of him and the service they give to all while missing their families. I always walk up to them shake their hand and thank them, at the same time missing my father in law and my father.
My father was also in the service but he never talkes about it so I do not know what he went thru. All I know is that he served on the Midway 1945 1946 and was discharged as when he signned up he was only 16 too young.
Thank you for allowing me to tell you some of the things I remember as it keeps my loved ones close to me even thou they are not.

Willow Grove, PA