, myself, have done two(2) tours of duty in "Vietnam." The years were '65 to'67. It was a troublesome time: Young Americans were practicing free love and protesting the war in the '60's and this was a movement of disillusioned young people that couldn't grasp the concept of why we stepped into a war half way around the world. Activists, and the Media, fueled the fires to such a frenzie that there was no rhyme or reason left to explore. The rights of a people to resist oppression and to try to hold on to the values of "Freedom" was the reason we aligned ourselves with the "Vietnamese People" and their right to exist as a "Sovereign Nation." It was a time of turmoil and political reteric, and it became: "The Nature of the Beast!" And with this social unrest our proud nation no longer stood for Truth, Justice, and the "American Way."...."Truth:" I, for one, was "Spit On" and called "Baby Killer" upon on my returning home to an America that had no use for returning "Vietnam Veterens!"...."Justice:" There was no justice for the American serviceman for all the good we accomplished was never put out there for all to see. All that was ever show'n was the casualties of war to which America "Shuttered!" This uneven account of what was, became a "Festering Wound" to which America never recovered. This was a war we could have won, but was not allowed too. I saw it, and so did the other sevicemen that were part of this exercise in "Fruitilty." We lost upwards of "58,000 plus" American lives for: "What?"...."The American way:" When World War II ended, our sevicemen returned home with dignity and pride for a job well done, and the pride of our nation... Continued below

wayne mong
fontana, CA