, With Korea, not so much. But our sevicemen still had the respect and dignity for a job that they tried to accomplish....Vietnam servicemen were never treated with respect and dignity for the job that we tried to accomplish, and it has changed little in the passage of time....With respect to wars since "Vietnam" the "American Way" now shines "Brightly" again, with respect and dignity for the servicemen that have giving their all for "Freedom." For by forsaking the "Vietnam Veteren" in his time of need is "Unexcusable!" We also gave our all, and the "American Way" wasn't for us back then, and we have been "All But Forgotten!".....For to all my "Vietnam Brothers"..."WELCOME HOME!...."For We Will Never Forget!"...."We Are, And Always Will Be, True Americans in the quest for "Freedom!"....For again I say to my "Vietnam Brothers"..... "WELCOME HOME!" And to our "Fall'n Brothers," you are in our "Prayers And Are Not Forgotten!" For you have paid the "Ultimate Sacrifice" in the name of "Freedom!"

wayne mong
fontana, CA