No Respect

Things weren't going so well at home so I quit high school and went into the US Army during the Vietnam War. I did not get deployed to Vietnam as I thought I would. Instead I was sent elsewhere for a 16 month overseas tour after doing a stateside tour. I called home to my parents (Mom & Stepfather) to let them know when I would exactly be home so they could pick me up at the airport. I thought to myself how nice it will be to see everyone again after being gone almost a year and a half. I got off the plane and saw my family there. Walked over to them and then the big shocker. Nothing! I didn't get any hugs, kisses, not even a handshake no thanks from them at all. All I got were comments from my mom saying "I don't know why you just didn't stay in any longer. There is nothing here at home for you anymore. You'll have to get a job and pay room & board because I can't afford to feed you." That has haunted me forever. So I moved out shortly after. One day I called home and asked my mom if she had seen my Class A uniforms? She said "Oh I threw them out because I didn't think you would want them anymore". So now I not only have no respect from my own family but not much of anything to show my children as far as what my military time was like. Sadly I can't change the past.
As I see our troops come home today to loving families and friends I envy them and often wonder how nice it must be to come home and be appreciated for serving your country.

Milwaukee, WI