My Viet Nam Vet

My brother volunteered for 3 (Yes, three) tours of duty in Viet Nam. He was
there a total of 48 months. When he returned to the United States after
receiving a purple heart, bronze and silver stars, and a medal of honor, he
was spit at when in uniform and called a lot of ugly names and the Army
refused to promote him. He was the epitomy of an officer and a gentleman!

He left the Army with less then 20 months to his 20 years and thus lost
his retirement. He died a hero in my eyes and the eyes of his family and
friends and was given a military burial at Ft. Logan in Denver, Colorado...
however he did not receive a 21 gun salute which he deserved---don't you
think? He deserved at least that much.

I miss him terribly!!!

God bless our Veterans and God bless the USA!!!

Denver, CO