My husband died while on Military Active Duty overseas on April 18, 2004. He had been in the Military 39 years. He was the most patriotic man I ever knew. He was in the Military the whole 36 years we were married and three beforehand. The Military let him fly home to be with me for a short while for my second kidney cancer surgery and then he flew back. I was too sick to take him to meet his plane. The last time I ever saw him alive was when I had just gotten home from the hospital. He had to fly back for active duty. A good friend took him to the plane. His plane was delayed. His friend stayed with him until the plane arrived. I have often wondered what he talked about as he sat waiting and wondering if I would be all right, and if he would be all right. He didn't make it back alive. I am proud he is a War Hero, but the thing I regret the most is that I didn't get to be with him at the end and tell him goodbye.

Sherra Claunch
Oxford, AL