My husband hero in many ways

My husband is my hero in so many ways. He is a proud member of he Missouri National Guard. Currently, he is serving his second overseas deployment in Afghanistan. He served previously in Iraq in 2003-2004. In addition, like so many guardsmen, he has served our state during natural disasters. In addition, he was activated to provide aid for hurricane Katrina victims. These alone would make him a hero. However, there are two other ways he is my hero. When I met my husband, I was divorced with two young girls, 3 and 7. Hs children from a previous marriage were practically gran, 19 and 16. He didn't hesitate marrying me and has been a wonderful stepdad to my girls. He has been a role model, comforter, and protector. In June 2010, I was diagnosed with stae 3 cancer. My husband has been my hero through all my treatments and complications. So not only is my husband my hero because of his military service, he s my hero by being a wonderful stepfather and husband.

House springs, MO