My father was, and is, a hero to me!

My father, PFC Leonard W. Kiah, served in WWII. His unit was a part of the Big Red One, 106th infantry, 28th Division (also know as the Pennsylvania Boys) and fought in the Battle Of the Bulge (Battle of the Ardennes Forest) where, out of his entire unit, only 17 survived.
He refused being rewarded the Purple Heart, but did receive the Bronze Star. He was a true patriot, throughout the remainder of his life, lived and loved with the best of them, supported our veterans organizations, was a Post and I believe Regional Commander for the VFW in our area. Was ready and willing to help others, and teach what it meant, in his own way, responsibility, hard work, morals, dedication, life, and love.
He, and his compatriots, fought hard for our country, our freedoms and the rights that our constitution provide for. I miss my Dad, and know that he did his best to help raise us kids, and to provide for us in the best way he was able to during his time in this world.
Dad, I love you and Mom with all my heart, and miss you both, deeply. God Bless you both, and to all veterans and their families, I thank you all for your service.
I am also a 12 year veteran of the Air Force, and believe that the families of our soldiers and veterans, are Also veterans right along with their loved ones, serving on the front lines of waiting for and supporting their loved ones, while they are deployed.

Hal Kiah
St. Mary, MO