My Dad

I remember coming home from school one day and my mom telling me " you have to take a nap today". Well here I am 14 yrs old thinking "HUH". She had changed the channel on the tv that showed flights coming in from Saudi Arabia and there was my dads name, coming in on a flght at 3 am. Well to say the least a nap was out of the question, So at 2 am we all head to the gym where the guys were coming in and there was a good distance from where the humvees were at, and where we were standing. The MP's blocking the area. Finally the moment came and here comes this humvee, and I knew my Daddy was in there. The door opened and I ran so fast right into my Daddy's arms, I had never felt more safe and happy in my small 14 yrs of life till that moment. That was 21 yrs ago and I can still rememeber like it happened yesterday. Thank you to all Service members past and present, you all hold a place in my heart.

Whitehall, OH