My Dad

My dad served his country in WWII and the Korean War. He was put through the mustard gas series. Years later, the government found that the men were having side effects from the gas. The government sent out a letter to them asking that they have follow ups. My dad's letter was sent to an address we had not lived at in thirty years and not forwarded to our new address. My dad never received the follow up treatments he needed. He developed emphysema. He lived to be 86 but died with a stoke and hypertension in his lungs. We did not know of the letter or the side effects until we took our mom to see if she could get benefits. We know he lived a long life but without the emphysema, he would have lived a better quality of life. The Veterans turned our mom down for benefits saying we had no proof it was from the mustard gas that he died. We feel they had no proof that it wasn't since he did not get the follow ups like he deserved. Our dad served his country, went through mustard gas, and was denied his rights as a veteran of the United States of America!
