My Dad was a WWII Hero

from 2nd Battalion, 376th Infantry Regiment

18 Pfc Edson Lakin Cited for Heroism
This is taken from General Orders 104 Hq94th Infantry Div. 24 April 1945 Pfc.Edson A. Lakin 31401182,Infantry,376thInfantry RegementUnited States Army, for gallentry in actionin Germany from 23 March 1945 to 24 March 1945,While performing duties as scout,Private Lakincontinually exposed himself to heavy gunfire to locate enemy positions.On one occasion,when fired upon by a machine gun,he boldly advanced and pinning the enemy down with devestating rifle fire,He eliminated the crew and gun with hand grenades.Braving intense sniper fire, he routed the enemy from many of their positions, thus enabling his platoon to continue the attack and capture the objectives.The unselfish courage, fearless actions,and supreme devotion to duty displayed by Private Lakin are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service.
Posted by John Lakin

My father recieved the Silver Star.I lived with a true hero.I submit this in his memory,

John Lakin
Sanford, ME