My brother Clarence Lambert

My brother, Clarence Lambert, had 23 years in the U.S. Army and is a Veteran of VietNam, THREE tours...Needless to say, he is not in the best of health and most of his health problems stem from his VN service from Agent Orange. His hands shake so badly that he can hardly drink a cup of coffee without spilling some of it down the front of his shirt. He has had bladder cancer, he has a breaking out on the back of his neck that comes and goes and asthma. He has terrible flashbacks from his service in VN. However, every weekend, Friday through Sunday you will find him outside some business in the Ft Meyer, Fl area collecting money for Veteran's Outreach. He is 77 years old and applied for disability about 6 years ago and received a measly 40%, his congressman at the time, Connie Mack, was contacted by my brother and this congressman did NOTHING. I guess OUR government is waiting for him to die and they will have one less Veteran to deal with.

I have the upmost respect for my brother and for ALL our Veterans. I spent 32 years as a civilian working for the Marines for 10 years and the Army for 22 years. NEVER met a Marine nor Soldier that I did not love and respect.

God Bless all our Military members and all our Veterans.

Phyllis Lambert Cates
Center Cross, VA