He's worth it

Having been a Navy wife for so long, I'm no stranger to having my husband gone for months at a time. He's a submariner (USS Florida Blue), and leaves for 4 months then is home for 3, out for 4, etc. His latest deployment was a bit harder on us; he'd been put on shore duty for medical reasons for a year, and because of the deployment he missed Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day, and my birthday. I hate not having him home for big events like that, but I always feel worst for the kids. Finally, slow as it was, time passed and it was time for homecoming. The kids and I made signs, bought new outfits, I even wore a dress and heels (I'm a total jeans and tee shirt girl, so that was a big deal). Standing outside nervously, I suddenly got a text telling me that he would be there soon. I'll never forget the beautiful sound of the buses pulling up, the smell of exhaust consuming us, and the loud cheer that went up from all of the other wives waiting for their loved ones. As the buses began to unload, I frantically was looking around trying to find my husband, all the while keeping track of my kids. Suddenly I hear the two most precious voices to me scream "DADDY!" and they took of running. I stood back with tears in my eyes, heart filled with love. I walked toward him and he stood up and smiled at me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight. I clung to him, breathing in his smell and brushing my cheek against the stubble on his face. Pulling back he looked at me with the biggest smile, and then kissed me tenderly. Hugging me again, he whispered in my ear "I missed you so much." We finally felt whole again.

How do I do it you ask? It's easy. He's worth it.

Monica Leigh Peck
Yulee, FL