Half my heart came home from Afghanistan

My husband was in Afghanistan for 7 months, missing our sons birth, he was coming home 2 days before Thanksgiving and I could hardly wait to hold him in my arms again. Getting a hotel for the night of his arrival my mother in law, my 2 month old son, and I went to the arrival point and waited for 5-6 hours before we finally saw them all marching towards us. My heart was racing, hands were shaking, hard to breathe and my eyes scanning over every marine that marched in trying to find my husband. They released all the marines at once, running into the crowd of marines being welcomed, hugged, loved and missed by their loved ones, I searched for my husband. The crowd started to die down and I still hadn't found him, until...I turned around and there he was walking towards me as my heart filled with emotion and felt like it just fell out of my chest and my eyes with tears. I ran into his arms as he dropped his bags to the ground and loved the touch of his strong arms around me once again. When I finally let go I introduced him to our 2 month old son, Aiden. He was a little nervous, but very excited to finally see his son. I couldn't be any happier to have my husband back from overseas. <3 I love you William!

Jacksonville, NC