Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Hi! I am Air Force veteran who served inthe first gulf war. While I did volunteer to go over there. Had it not been for the sort from my wonderful wife and kids, plus the support of so many, it would have been alot harder than it already was. The many letters and care packages that arrived daily from pen pals was amazing. During our flight back after the war ended, we had a unscheduled stop at Westover AN Massachusetts. We arrived at a hangar full of citizens from the town, they were playing "Good Bless the USA". They did not Even know us and were giving us hugs and wanting us to sign there shirts and hats. At the end of the parade there were 3 Vietnam vets in there wheelchairs hugging and thanking us. That was very heartfelt and tears rolled down my face. God bless our fine country and to the men and woman that have served and serving now. To all the ones that gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect us and our great country.

Frank McGough
Oklahoma City, OK