Burnt and forgotten

Sometime in the early 40’s my father, was in the us army in the south pacific, he received 1st 2ed and 3ed degree burns, over 70% of his body, from a flame thrower. He spent 5 months in a tent hospital in the Philippians. After he was shipped home the tent hospital was overrun by the Japanese and was destroyed. Years later when my father tried to get benefits he was told that all the records were destroyed when the Japanese captured the Philippians. And that as far as the veteran’s administration was concerned that without written proof there was nothing they could do for him, Till his death in 1974, he never receiver one cent for his pain, from the veterans administration or his government. I support today’s veterans any way I can but please don’t ask me to support the veterans administration, to me there just another government origination bleeding the American tax payer for all they can get.

William R. Meyers
New Tripoli, PA