Brother for hire

I am writing to share the joy that I have received, not for My achievements, but for my brothers for hire. I am certain that I can not properly explain the joy, pain, trials, fears and tremendous losses that we shared, however; in their honor... I shall try. I am a female, bad ass, flight medic US Army retired that fell in love with the brotherhood. I have been on missions that would make a grown woman cry and sometimes.. I did, but I always had a brother for hire. I have never been alone with my joy or pain or sadness, because whether you like it or not... I had a brother for hire. I have lost my brothers and my fiance because of the Army, but I have never lost my love or joy. I now stand as an example for those that can't stand, can't hug, can't feel...feel the commaradry that I feel and love, and still have with my brothers...for hire. A brother for hire doesn't ask for money. A brother for hire doesn't ask for paybacks. A brother for hire is a brother that is there when you need a more... no less. He/ she is strong when you need strong, quiet when you just want to cry, but they are there to hold you in case you fall. A brother for hire will make you laugh for absolutely no reason and come every Veteren's/Memorial Day and put the flags on the stones of the ones we have BOTH lost. I have came out the other side with scars and bars, but if it wasn't for my brothers for hire.... I am certain that I would have lost my smile, my joy, my pride. Thank brothers for hire.

Country Michalek
Fairplay, CO