8 years of being an Army Wife

My husband and I were married on January 2, 2003. He was deployed to Kuwait on January 5, 2003 for a 14 month deployment. He returned home in February of 2004. In June of 2004 he took the position of Provost Marshall at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg. He was on active duty there for 26 months. His next current deployment began August of 2010 to Afghanistan. We have missed many anniversaries, birthdays, Christmases, and so many other things. I am so very proud of my husband, MAJ Rob Watras. We have spent more than 1/2 of our married life together while Rob was serving for what he believes in. At times it is hard to be an Army Wife but I would not change it for anything. It is a challenge at times but if my husband can give up the comforts of being at home and enjoying the freedom we all take for granted, I certainly can sacrifice nights alone knowing all in the end we will have accomplished something and if we didn't we can at least say we gave it our best shot! I am a Proud Army Wife and my husband is my hero!

Sam Watras
Jackson, MS