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Navy Chief Surprises Wife at Cheesecake Factory by Blending In With the Waiters

Navy Chief Surprises Wife at Cheesecake Factory by Blending In With the Waiters

After a year long deployment in Afghanistan, I decided to surprise my wife and daughter as I came home. This was also the first time she saw me in my new uniform since I had been promoted to the rank of Chief Petty Officer during the deployment.

Originally, I had planned to have the surprise at our church with 500+ people sharing in the surprise. A week prior to my arrival, my wife told me she had to work on the day I had planned and she wouldn't be at church that day. So, I had to enlist her dad's help to get the family to the Cheesecake Factory a few days early.

The staff at the Cheesecake Factory was extremely accommodating and helped me walk in behind a team of waiters. Their white uniforms helped me blend in as I surprised my wife in my full dress white uniform. My wife's face was priceless! She was absolutely surprised and her expression was total shock. Today we're both thankful that we are home together with no additional deployments in the foreseeable future.

To see the video, copy the following link into your browser:

Matt L.
Orlando, FL

My Brother is my hero

My Brother is my hero

My brother Virgil B. Terwilliger gave his life for his country, March 13, 1967. He was serving in Viet Nam with the Marine Corp as an office clerk. He volunteer to be a gunner on a Medivac helicopter. They were called out to rescue some Marines, not knowing it was a trap. They were shot down in a ravine trapping Virg and the other gunner, Paul Harris. The pilot and co-pilot tried to rescue Virg and Paul, when the copter blew up, burning the pilot badly. 3 men died as a result of that mission. Virg and Paul were never recovered. They did not make it home, but after 46 years they have not been forgotten by their families. I hope he is waiting for me on the other side. His loving sister, Linda

Linda L Bleschke
Napoleon, OH



Hi my name is Melisa Newsome i am the proud mom of a army son Cody Newsome is in El Paso Texas at Fort Bliss serving our country ...No my son hasnt done any time in afghanistan or anywhere.. hes been in the army since october 2012 ...My son is very proud to be serving his country and he loves what he does ..I thank everyone of you men and women whom is protecting us out there... " God Bless You All" ....and im VERY PROUD TO CALL MYSELF AN ARMY MOM!!!! i get very emotional when i talk about my son being in the army because i am soo proud of him he is the best son in this world...I love you bubba... The only part i dont like is hes in texas and im in oregon...,but thats how it has to be for now ....i just wanted to share my lil story with you all...thank you ...Melisa Newsome from Brookings, Oregon

Brookings, OR

a day in phan rang vietnam

on most days we had a coffee truck come to the flight line because we could not leave. we worked 24 hours on and 24 off. on this day the truck came an we went for coffee just like any day, but the regular men was not there. we did not know the two people on the truck, so we asked for coffee, the woman asked us if we knew her,we said turned out to be bob hope and phlsis diller,there plane had broke down an was being fixed so they served us coffee how nice.great people

bob maenza ret/msgt/usaf
apple valley, CA

Our Son our Hero Our Soldier!!!!

Our son was in afghanistan. He just got back to the USA yesterday. i will have to tell you that it has been a long journey not only for him but for us as well holding our breath everytime we watch news or read an article about injured saoldiers or soldiers that are no longer with us. My heart goes first of all to those families out there , for their pain, let me explain. On December 12, 2012 he was injured in afghanistan in a suicide attack. Unfortunately some of his comrades where not so lucky, they lost there Sgt. Trent and his two buddies are still recovering in San Antonio. That experience for us waiting for them to come to our door was more then we could tolerate. I though we would never see our son again. But thank God our almighty he has return our son our soldier our hero back home to us safe and sound. He was feature in HLN NEWS with Robin Meade on sending a message to our troops.."look under google tearful mom misses her son, Elizabeth beaudry. Only a parent or love one can feel the despair that we felt waiting why they where coming to our home to tell us what happen, and those 15 minutes where the longest minutes of our lives, thank god he was ok and was able to recover from his injuries, but sure will never have that bitter taste and frightening out of my life. i still have not seen him since his still in mississippi. But cannot wait till we can hold him again, and as a family get on with our lives now that our almighty lord has given him back to us. I will always be proud of him for he has done and looking forward to our future again with Our Soldier.

Southlake, TX


I have a son who serves in the Canadian Military in the Infantry. Ryan Bradley is my oldest son, he has made me very proud by choosing an Army career. He has done two tours in Afghanistan for Canada and was lucky enough to come home unhurt unlike some of his good buddies who didn't come back alive. They were all there because they believed in helping the misfortunate and helpless people who only wanted to be free. I had the very nice task of being the best man at his wedding 4 years ago when he returned from Afghanistan and married his fiancée Bronwyn Eldridge. At the wedding I was able to address some of his army buddies who had served or are still serving and say thanks for their service. I think it takes special people to want to serve their country and put their lives at risk to help less fortunate people who can't help themselves. I have another son Jimmy he doesn't serve in the Military but he still makes me proud in everything he does .Thank You Mike Bradley.

Mike Bradley
Rice Point, Canada

Solomon Smith, Revolutionary war Minuteman

Solomon Smith, Revolutionary war Minuteman

My Military hero is my great x5th grand father Solomon Smith. He was a Minuteman at Acton and Concord at the age of 21. Here is a list of some of his campaigns;

1. Fought at the Old North Bridge in Concord. (letter from Franke Fiske to John F. Murphy, 1949)

2. Pvt on Lexington alarm roll of Cpt John Hayward's Company, Col Abijah Pierce's Regiment. They marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, from Acton, MA. Time of service, 5 days, residence, Acton, MA.

3. Appears on receipt of advanced pay given by the Company of Cpt Smith, Regiment of Col Nixon, June 10, 1775. Pay on account of service in the Company
Pvt on muster roll of Cpt. William Smith's Company, Regiment of Col John Nixon dated Aug 1, 1775, enlisted April 24, 1775. Time of service 3 months, 15 days. residence, Acton, MA.

2. Pvt on Company returns of Cpt Smith's Company, Col Nixon's Regiment, dated Sept 30, 1775

3. 4th Cpl on the muster and pay roll of Cpt Israel Heald's Company, Regiment of Col Eleazar Brooks. Marched to Roxbury March 4, 1776. Time of service 6 days, residence, Acton, MA.

4. Pvt on returns of Cpt Simon Hunt's Company, Col Brooks' Regiment, in service at Camp White Plains, NY. Residence, Acton, MA

5. Was at the surrender of Gen Burgoyne, at Saratoga, NY. Received pension from National Govt.

Me walked from Acton, Mass to Bunker Hill during the commemoration of the Bunker Hill Monument. He was 72. This was almost 24 miles.

Paul Murphy
Colorado Springs, CO



Afghanistan 2011. My son is my hero, for anybody to give up a year of their lives to help defend this country should be everybodys hero> Thank you to my son, and all who have served, who are serving and to those that made the ultimate sacrifice!

robin porter
vandergrift, PA

Dear Sweet Land that I Love

The following was written by a Navy Wife whom I know. She and her family were just leaving for yet another PCS overseas. I thought it expressed the feelings of many in our proud Navy.

"Dear Sweet Land that I Love,

We have to go for a while. My Husband has a job to do..for you.
They said I could stay behind (in my comfort zone) and they'd have him home in half the time..but I've gotta go. It's that whole "stand by your man" thing. Even though its uprooting my family (for the ten Thousandth time). Even though it's leaving behind new friends and family...again. Even though it'll be that awkward 'start all over' experience that no one understands quite like a military family. New church, new job, new school, new culture, new house, new walls to hang pictures on & put furniture against... new everything.
But, we gotta go. Because
1) the Lord is our God...and we trust Him. Where He leads, we want to follow.
2) Because we love you, sweet Land. We Know that God has "shed His Grace on thee".
3) Because we know God calls some to defend you. And because my Husband is one who answered that call.

So, Land that I Love, off we go on a new adventure where everything is bright because Jesus is our Light and He's promised to go with us and give us His shalom (peace).

Remember, dear People of this Land, God and Jesus Christ His Son who has so richly blessed you...without ever requiring payback (not that we could) or charging interest. -- Thank Him.
Love others.
Be kind.
Thank a sailor/soldier/marine/airman/policeman/fireman/etc...they give up what most call 'normal lives' to defend and protect you. Above all...pray for them. Pray for each other. Pray at ALL times! Don't bite the worry bait.

Until we meet again, Dear Land that I Love...and our dear Family & Friends...

A Military Wife..... An American

Keep us in your prayers.
We'll be in touch soon.
Pray for wifi. Lol "

Winton Winky White
Yokosuka, Japan

i would love to play for the troops.

Ok I have a song on my timeline that I wrote a few months ago. But I can't upload it to your site. It's about how our troops, & their family's deal wIth lIfe on both sides . It Is a very good song. Wish I could share it with the troops. The only thing I can say is, how do you get on the bill to play for the troops. If anyone can help me figure this out I would be greatful. I can't give an email out on here, but I can say. My name is bub turner from new Richmond Ohio. Idk googel it hopefully you can check out the song. Theirs got to be a way I can give the gift of music. God bless...

Gary Steve Turner
new richmond, OH