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God's plan in action---

God's plan in action---

In 1966 I was stationed on board USS Amphion AR-5 which was "securely" wired in it's mooring. This ship was being used as moored repair in Norfolk, VA and I was not happy about not seeing sea duty...
As an MMFN one of my duties was maintaining and watching water evaporators and ship's air compressors in a "small" compartment just out the bilges. On a day myself and my friend Wally, an MM3 were working and a high pressure air compressor blew a line and it hit Wally in the side. He spent the next 3 months in the hospital. During this time he got orders for transfer to USS Belmont AGTR-4 which he could not fill. As Wally could not go I volunteered to take his orders and after approval took off on 7 days leave b-4 reporting.
Now I need to state I joined the Navy to see the world and was excited to find out that the Belmont would depart the morning I reported. For the next 38 months we came in only for re-supply and a "short" yard period to re-arm our ship.
The Belmont was a "spy" ship similar to the Liberty and Pueblo and as such we steamed all over the world.
I have seen 4 continents, 4 oceans, circumnavigated S. America, sailed the Panama Canal, and navigated the Cape of Good Hope around Africa.
If I could find Wally and my recruiter I would thank both of them---I certainly saw the "world".
PS.--Last I heard Wally was fine but if he see this plz. contact me---

Bob Loretz (MM2)
North Vernon, IN

My father, My Hero

My father, My Hero

My father Keith Felker, was a Master Gunnery Sargent in the United States Marine Corps. He joined the Corp at a early age and was sent to Vietnam where he did two tours.. While in Vietnam, he was shot three times and exposed to Agent Orange. He saw many of his friends killed while serving. Upon returning to the States he left the Corp for the private sector where he met my mother and they were married. As many solders did he suffered from night terrors on certain days of the year. One day especially, Thanksgiving. That was they day he saw his good friend killed in Vietnam. I believed he missed serving his country so when I was older he joined the USMC Reserves, stationed at Fort Knox, KY. He was very proud of serving his country and was sent to Camp Pendleton in California, where he began to help run summer camps. He also served in Desert Storm and helped to check in the troops at Camp Pendleton as they returned from Desert Storm when it was over. He eventually retired for good and learned that he had lung cancer. He died on February 4, 2010. My father technically did not die in combat but he did die for serving his country, you see his cancer that killed him was caused from being exposed to Agent Orange while he was in Vietnam. So my father is my hero because he served his country here at home and overseas. And because the USMC is always the one guarding the top man, I know he is guarding up at Heavens Gate to welcome all the other troops that served their country as well. When it is my time to go I know he will be waiting and oh what a joyous reunion it will be.

Please thank those who serve our country so that you may have the freedoms you have.

Kristi Felker
Louisville, KY

My cousin & his wife....

My cousin, Larry Weese is in the Tampa VA suffering with ALS. He's been in the SCU for yrs. his service was admirable. His wife, Sharon Weese, Ret General has Hunnington's.

TY for allowing me to post their story.

Donna Muntz Harris

Donna Muntz Harris
Saint Petersburg, FL

Getting daddy back

It had been almost 10 months since my husband had laid eyes on not only me but our son. He deployed when our little boy was just 5 days old. My son and I made the 2.5 hour drive to the base to pick daddy up the day before they got in. See he's in the national guard so we don't live on or near the base they were being brought to. We got up at 0530 to get ready and when the buses pulled in my husband spotted us right away. I stood in the crowd until right before they got to us when our FRO came over to me and pulled me aside and to the front. When I turned there he was rushing towards us. I'll never forget the tears and happiness of being in his arms and seeing our little boy with his daddy for the first time in almost 10 months. As soon as daddy said "hey buddy" it was over he was daddy's little sidekick!

Cara W.
Knoxville, TN

My daughter is my hero.

My daughter is my hero.

This is my daughter Nichole. She joined the Air National Guard 12 years ago. Even being a single mom of two children ,Justin who is 8 and Jaylin who is 6, she just reuped. Being away from them when she travels is hard for her but she goes when and where they need her. Her job is also on Scott Air Force Base. So she works with the military every day. She has spent up to 6 months some years being deployed. This is not easy for any of us but it is what she feels she needs to do. That is what makes her my hero.

Donna M Peterson
Fairview Heights, IL

Silver Star Recipent Corporal Joseph A. Capito

This story is about my brother Corporal Joseph A. Capito who served in the USMC in the Korean War. He was proud to serve his country and he was a proud Marine. He is our hero along with his fellow Marines who served with him.

Corporal Joseph A. Capito

While serving with the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division, FMF, (in the field). On 22 November 1950, Corporal CAPITO”S platoon was ordered to assault and seize Hill 1088. Advancing up the icy treacherous slopes of this hill, Corporal CAPITO’S squad met with heavy enemy small arms fire and automatic weapons fire.

During this action Corporal CAPITO was slightly wounded, nine men serving with his squad were killed and two wounded seriously, leaving himself and one man fit for duty. Realizing that the Chinese held bunker directly above him was delivering heavy fire toward his comrades and taking a heavy toll of lives, he knew it had to be destroyed. Corporal CAPITO with disregard for his own personal safety assaulted said bunker by himself and succeeded in destroying it with a hand-grenade.

Taking it upon him to see that damage had been done with the grenade, Corporal CAPITO leaped into the remains of the emplacement there meeting face to face with two Chinese communist soldiers, Corporal CAPITO proceeded to destroy the two enemy soldiers with his bayonet thus completely demolishing the main artery of the enemy defense.

This personal sense of duty led to the complete seizure of this strategically important enemy held position. Corporal CAPITO’S actions were in the traditional spirit of the United States Marine Corps.

Corporal CAPITO received the Silver Star award of Conspicuous Gallantry Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.

New York, NY

Never Stand Behind A Jet Plane On The Flight Deck

Back in 1965 while I was in the Navy serving on the aircraft carrier Ticonderoga with Photo Squadron VFP-63 out of San Diego Calif while serving as a plane captain myself and a shipmate of mine were spotting jet planes getting them ready for take-off. Another jet was coming off of the elevator and while turning at full throttle it blew me against the wheel struts of another plane which I immediately grabbed onto for dear life and was waving in the breeze like a flag and my shipmate was blown off of the flight deck into the Pacific Ocean . As quickly as I could picked up a life ring and threw it into the water and it landed close enough for him to grab it. A helicopter was send to rescue him and brought aboard ship he was totally blue and shaking later I was told they flew him to to the mainland and that he was going to be ok. I never saw him after that maybe he will read this article.

Woody Gautreau
Gonzales, LA

Single Moms Can do It Too!!!!

Single Moms Can do It Too!!!!

Even single moms can do it...
This is the first hug this Mother received from her 5 yr old son after being gone for almost 1 year!!!!
A BIG thank you to her wonderful parents for taking care of her son while she was away, Families play
a huge role in a soldier's deployment, especially single parents. God Bless Our Troops!!!

Apopka, FL

The Dream

my son Michael left for Iraq in aug1, 2006. after 9 months in Iraq he came home for 15 days R/R. he left back to Iraq in May14, 07. When he was home during R/R, when he came home he would tap on the window so my wife would open the door for him. one night my wife had a dream, Michael told his Mom,( mom i'm coming home , it over for me). we were notified by the Army our son was KIA 26May07.

jose noe jaurigue
texas city, TX

Forever Giving

Many years ago, I entered college, for the first time. Going into my second year of college, I was blessed with a scholarship that allowed me to give to the community by teaching adults how to read. I also volunteered in a high risk preschool... I learned the rewards of giving to others. I entered the military with this background, and it was something dear to me. My Air Force job allowed me to continue teaching, new subject, but it allowed me to use my knowledge to assist others. When I left active duty, and entered the reserve forces, I began raising my children through homeschooling and the public education system. I began volunteering in the classrooms, library, with any teacher, and I felt home. Over 3500 volunteer hours later, plus those hours in scout volunteering, I know I have impacted a few children. Now, I am raising funds and awareness for Give Kids the World, and hope to make a new impact..... goal is to fund an entire family's trip to Give Kids the World. ... a huge undertaking... $5000... part way there.... Anyone wish to help on this journey? Btw, my journey wirh Give Kids the World changes when I run my first half marathon for the team..... not sure where it leads from there.....

Julie Adelman
Altamonte Springs, FL