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Thank Our Women in the Military!

19,521 signatures toward our 20,000 Goal

97.61% Complete

Sponsor: The Veterans Site

Sign the petition if you want to honor the women who have fought and are fighting for America.

Women have played vital roles in the history of the United States military. Since the American Revolutionary War in 1775, women have been on the front lines of war supporting our troops, serving as cooks, nurses, seamstresses, pilots, machinery and airplane manufacturers, and even disguising themselves as men in order to serve in battle.

Women have achieved great milestones in their history with the US military. In the Civil War, a woman named Jennie Hodgers served disguised as a man for three years without being discovered. During the War of 1812, The United States appointed its very first female Marine, Lucy Brewer.

These women have demonstrated courage, heroism, and a true dedication to country. We must honor the roles women have played in the history of our military and their contribution to keeping America safe.

Sign if you know a woman in the military and give her a mention in the comments. Or sign if you support the cause!

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The Pledge:

As advocates for equality and justice, we recognize the invaluable contributions of women throughout the history of the United States military. From the American Revolutionary War to the present day, women have stood on the front lines, dedicating themselves to the service of our nation.

We hereby pledge our unwavering support for all women in the United States military and vow to honor their courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication to protecting our freedoms. We acknowledge their vital roles as cooks, nurses, seamstresses, pilots, machinery and airplane manufacturers, and the countless other positions they have held.

We salute the remarkable achievements of women in the military, including notable pioneers like Jennie Hodgers, who served disguised as a man for three years during the Civil War, and Lucy Brewer, the first female Marine appointed during the War of 1812. These extraordinary women have blazed trails, shattered barriers, and paved the way for future generations.

In recognizing the contributions of women in the military, we commit to the following principles and actions:

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: We advocate for equal opportunities for women in all military branches, ensuring that they have access to the same roles, promotions, benefits, and resources as their male counterparts. We support policies that eliminate gender-based discrimination within the military.

Respect and Dignity: We pledge to treat all women in the military with the utmost respect, recognizing their unique skills, expertise, and commitment to service. We will challenge and condemn any form of harassment, discrimination, or mistreatment directed towards women in the military.

Spport Networks: We will actively promote and contribute to support networks and initiatives that provide mentorship, guidance, and resources to women serving in the military. We recognize the importance of building strong communities to uplift and empower women throughout their military careers.

Recognition and Celebration: We will celebrate the achievements and sacrifices of women in the military, ensuring their stories are shared and honored. We will highlight their accomplishments and contributions, both within the military and to society as a whole.

ADVOCACY: We commit to being advocates for policies that promote gender equality, fairness, and inclusivity within the military. We will use our voices to push for reforms, such as improved maternity leave, childcare support, and healthcare services tailored to the unique needs of women in the military.

Education and awarenesss: We will educate ourselves and others about the history, challenges, and achievements of women in the military. By raising awareness, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the vital role women play in defending our nation and inspire future generations to follow in their footsteps.

By signing this pledge, we stand united in our commitment to supporting all women in the United States military. We recognize their bravery, resilience, and unwavering dedication to our country. Whether you know a woman in the military or simply support the cause, let your voice be heard and join us in this important mission.

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