Zachary and his "Buddy"

Zachary was diagnosed with T1D in March of 2013. He was drinking constantly, and using the restroom nonstop. He would get very cranky for what we thought was "no reason." We noticed him dropping weight since the previous summer. He went from 147 lbs. down to 111 lbs. over the course of 7 months. At first, we thought it was due to his activity with football and basketball. When he came home from school one day saying there was a "weight loss" and get fit challenge and that he had been weighed in at 111 a red flag went up. We told him he was not going to do this weight loss challenge, that he was already too thin for his height. We decided to have some blood work done up. It confirmed our suspicions, and we were sent to Children's in Omaha the very next day. He spent two days in the hospital learning all about his diabetes and how to get a handle on things. Since his diagnosis, he has gained back some much needed weight for his 5ft. 4inch body. He also now sleeps so much better. He was never a good sleeper, since birth he was up at least 2-3 times a night. He has better color in his face, and just looks much healthier. He is a very active 10 year old. He participates in football, basketball, and is very active with his 4-H calves. He has his highs and lows, but is learning more everyday how to manage them. Zachary is our inspiration to eat better and watch everything we put in our mouths. Zachary has to have 4 insulin shots per day, and handles them like a champ! He amazes us everyday with his ability to deal with the things his diabetes throws at him. Sure he gets frustrated with it all, but he knows he will be dealing with this for the rest of his life.

Marla Huwaldt
Osmond, NE