Young and old troubles

It was just 3 days after Halloween and just 2 before my 9th birthday when my mom brought me to the doctor. I had all the commonly mentioned symptoms- drinking water like crazy, spending a lot of time either in the bathroom or in bed and moodiness. Though I don't remember everything that happened during the time I was in the hospital, I do remember my mom trying to help me accept that I, a child terrified of needles, would have to accept them 4 times a day to keep well. When I got home there were notes from my friends at school and all my Halloween candy was gone. I'm about to turn 27 and just realized how close it is to my diagnose date. Being t1d has made a big impact on my life- struggling to accept that I wouldn't be able to drink at 21 like I had seen my college friends experiment with and waking up in an ambulance after swim practice are only brief instances. But, here's what I really want to share- keep positive! Having my families support and keeping up with new technology has been so beneficial for me. It's not a death sentence- it's a way to help you appreciate what you can do. Best wishes to everyone!

Christine Hall
Itasca, IL