You name it I prolly did it!!

My name is Pete. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 13 years old. I did very well managing my diabetes for many years until I was old enuff to do what I wanted. I started drinking pretty heavy and not eating right and not checking my blood sugar very often. After pleading with me to straighten up my doc dropped me. With no insurance and little guidance and very little reguard for my own life I was a train wreck waiting to happen. The drinking eventually developed into a methamphetamine addiction. This made eating obsolete. I did have a very good friend who would force me to eat at least once a day. I finally got clean when I was 26 and have been almost 10 years. This started the uphill battle of getting my sugar under control. I started to eat regularly again and went to a family doctor. He did his best to help me. I wrote the pharmasuitical companies for help with meds. They were very gracious and blessed me with the help I needed. Eventually I landed an excellent job with good insurance and check my sugar at least 4 times a day. On an insulin pump now which I LOVE. I ride motorcycles and diabetes does not slow me down one bit. I see my doc regularly now and although things are not perfect, they are a ton better than they were. I am now 36. I have a 16yr old daughter and a very fulfilling life!! That's my story!

Pete Anderson
Fort Smith, AR