WoW! I am A Diabetic?

Last December (2012) my wife said; She decided to look into Life Insurance Polices for us. I said "No Problem", but it turned out to be the start of my new journey.
Medical check-up, again I thought, No Problem; yea I was a little Overweight, I have been overweight most of my life.

Waiting over a month, the medical check-up results; the Insurance Declined me!
What! How and Why?
You see, the results showed that I was Diabetic, with an A1C of 12.7!
Of Course, I went into “DENIAL”, Not Me! They made a mistake!

My wife thought it is a good idea to make a doctor’s appointment, but I could not see our doctors of choice for at least 2-4 months. I asked my wife, being nurse; what should I do?
Go to the ER and they will probably bring your numbers down, and you’ll get to see a doctor, or
You can try to control it with diet and exercise until the doctor’s appointment. Well you guess it; I decided to start that very day by dieting and exercising!
I weighed 265, was eating “white” and “Rye” bread everyday!
I am 61 years old, I said; how am I going to do this.
I then went on the internet and surf the WebMD and ADA’s website for information. I started with a Very Low Carb Diet and exercised Daily. The good thing about starting to exercise was my wife, at the age of 60 started to run ½ marathons, so I had a good partner, and of course, with my friend Will Power.
I decided to cycle along with my wife’s running. After a couple of weeks and losing weight steadily,
After going to the doctors, and he ordering blood work that indeed proved I was Diabetic! There is however a Silver Lining; My A1C went down to 7.8; which was done by diet and exercising. I lost over 90 pounds and feeling great!
Yes, it is a battle daily, but I am going to win this battle with medication, diet and exercising, I am not a quitter!

Bill Szemcsak
Groveland, FL