Who would have thought…...

Clara was not herself for about a week, we had just returned from a trip to Arizona to visit my sister and Clara's cousins. While we were their Clara was wetting the bed, she was 4 and potty trained. Finally near the end of our week she still was not herself, she has also started breathing funny, so I took her to the DR. office they said, let's give her a breathing treatment and if she isnt better by tonight take her to the ER. Her breathing was 35 per min. the nurse said if it gets to 45 take her to the DR. Again, they gave her another breathing treatment this one didnt have a strap. I had to hold the mask on my screaming child and wrap my legs around her. She was not able to give a urine sample and the DR. did not know what was up. After the breathing treatment she was a wet rag in my arms. I asked the DR. what about a diabetic coma? He asked do you have diabetes in your family? I answered no. She he tested her, he came back in the room and responded, "she's off the chart, go to Long Beach Memorial" We got in the car, Jim drove I sat in the back seat while Clara was vomiting and talking nonsense and nodding out. A team surrounded her I stayed at her feet with my hands on them, it took 3 IV's one in her arm one in each foot to get fluids and insulin in her. It was scary, she really didn't say much and was confused. She had went into DKA . We didnt caknow the signs, even though they were there. Our lived were changed forever. She was in the ICU for 2 days and PICU for 5 days we had to attend classes each night to learn how do dose her, draw insulin and count carbs. Our lives have changed forever. But our little Clara is the same a strong, brave, smart, loving girl but now she's 10 yrs. old

Yosemite, CA