Where Do I Fit..Sigh

1988, I was a single mother of 2 fighting with Brittle Asthma. Nothing was working to keep it under control, my Dr. said finally we would have to try corticosteroids. She asked if anyone in my family had diabetes. I could only tell her I don't know..I was adopted and we had no health records. A year later in 1989..I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes. 3 genetic diabetic predilection racial mixtures and the steroids nailed me.

Today I am on constant insulin feed via a pump. No matter how hard we try, how carefully I track my food, I still have break through highs and lows that are dangerous. My pancreas produces next to nothing on it's own, I am resistant to most insulins now and pills never worked for more than a month at a time. I am not Type II anymore but yet I am not considered Type I. I call me Type 1.5, Insulin Resistant, Minimal Producing. I live with neuropathy in my feet, legs, hands and left inner ear. I have mild retinopathy, had cataracts at 45, and watch my kidneys and other organs harder than a dog watches a treat. I am lucky I have a Service Dog that alerts to low BG's, helps me walk straight and get up and down from chairs, I will always be on an Insulin Pump unless they make a break through.I will always watch every morsel that enters my mouth and calculate for it.

I am simply..Diabetic and I will survive this disease. I am an everyday Survivor. You can be too.

Titusville, FL