Wham! You're A Diabetic...

One day I had an itch on my forehead.I scratched it,and several days later,it looked infected.I let it go,thinking it would be ok.within a week or more,it was huge and the skin had turned black.I was sick too,and could not eat.I was losing weight like crazy.One evening my husband told me,you are going to the er.We went to our local hospital.They ran tests,and started an iv as I was dehydrated severely.They decided to send me to another hospital.When I arrived,a team of doctors were waiting for me.More tests,and a decision to operate on my forehead.I also was told my glucose number was 336.Wham,you're a diabetic.They decided the next day to start insulin.I became upset and refused to learn to inject myself.Then I met a nurse named Lisa.She took me under her wings,and gave me the incentive to learn,and also the will to live.It was a totally different lifestyle to learn.It has now been 2 years.Today instead of an A1C of 11,my latest one was 6.5.Instead of 25 units twice per day,I now take 12 units twice per day.I never understood this disease or what people that had it went through,until it hit me.And today I do all I can to help anyone that I learn gets the old Wham,You're A Diabetic,by encouraging them,and helping them all I can.

Cindy Self
Thomasville, NC