Well A Decade Ago...

It's crazy too look back and realize it has been 10 years (Feb 3 '04). It started when I was 8 and was peeing the bed at night constantly, and at times, my mom thought I smelled fruity. She became concerned and took me to the doctor and it turns out I was a Type 1 Diabetic. It was strange because it did not run in my family at all, and there is no known history of it within the family either.

You have to admit, being an 8 year old and having diabetes is not the easiest thing to cope with at first, and there is times where you give up, it truly does suck. It was about 4 years into being Diabetes where we looking into the diabetic pumps, after having complication with supplies using the Novalog Pen. Since then, i've always used the pump and it truly helps a lot.

10 years later it is hard to imagine a lifestyle without diabetes. Its a true struggle, any type 1 or type 2 can admit that. There's times where I start to not care and that only comes back to bite me. But I can't let it stop me. It sounds cheesy, but you just have to keep moving along with it. Eventually the pokes don't hurt and the shots are a piece of cake (pun intended). Personally, a favorite of mine is showing off my 10 years worth of knowledge about Diabetes. It makes an easy essay for English classes, and an easy speech in my Public Speaking class.

I know science will one day find a cure. Advancements are made everyday and it gives us all hope. But we can't just stop taking care of ourselves and wait for the cure to happen. It's just sometimes hard to realize there's other Diabetics going through the same thing.

Macrae Wilkins
Emporia, KS