Vivian's Vision for a Cure.

September of 2008, 6 year old Vivian was the flower girl in her uncles wedding, despite feeling sick for numerous days. She smiled, danced, and laughed despite her discomfort. A few days later, she started vomiting and her parents took her to the pediatrician, assuming it was a bug she had. The doctor knew something was wrong instantly, so he summoned an ambulance and suggested they rush to the Children's hospital an hour away. They tried testing her blood sugar in the ambulance, but the number was too high for the meter to read. Not wanting to risk the long trip, the ambulance took Vivian to the nearest hospital so they could control her BS. Once at the hospital Vivian's BS was shown to be on the plus side of 900. After a few hours there, she was transported to the Children's hospital, where the Dr. was shocked to see that her blood sugar had been brought down much too low, risking brain damage. Needless to say,Vivian was very, very fortunate to only have to stay one night, where she was officially diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. Soon after being diagnosed, Vivian and her family created a non-profit organization called "Vivian's Vistion For A Cure," donating all proceeds raised to JDRF. For about a year she received insulin injections, and then switched over to the OmniPod, a tiny pump that she changes every 3 days. Almost 13 years old, Vivian Eve embodies everything life should be. Fun, joyful, and full of love. Since, Vivian has had several seizures due to low BS, as well as been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, another auto-immune disease that all too often accompanies Type One Diabetes. There are plenty of nuisances that go along with being a teenager, yet alone a teenager with two diseases. While some days are harder than others, Vivian lives by a motto: "You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice." She is bright and spirited and passionate. She is an inspiration to me, her sister, and a true blessing to all who know her.

Camden, NY