Up and Down

I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2008 right as I started my 4 year bachelor's degree program. I was 28 years old. My schedule was always crazy with classes and homework. Not to mention I was a single mother with 2 girls in grade school. I failed to take care of myself and watch what I ate or even what I drank.
In late 2010 I went to the doctor for a check - up and got the scare of my life. My A1C was way up and my liver, kidneys, and cholesterol were bad also. The doctor told me if I wanted to be around to watch my girls, then 11 and 8, grow up I needed to make a serious change.
I went home that night and started what I thought was a diet. I went on in 2011 to lose 56 pounds and got all of my labs, including my A1C back down to normal. It was such a wonderful accomplishment.
Now, I wish I could say my story ends there, but it doesn't. I went on in 2012 to gain back 50 of the 56 pounds I had lost. By late 2013 my labs and A1C were even worse than before.
So in December 2013 I pledged to start the "diet" again. What I didn't realize is, this wasn't just a "diet." This was going to have to be a change to my whole lifestyle if I wanted to keep it off.
With the help of my soon - to - be fiancé, my beautiful teenage daughters, family, friends, and a wonderful calorie counting app I can officially say that I'm down 40 pounds, and counting. My most recent doctors appointment revealed that all of my labs and my A1C are down and in 4 more months I'll be moving to twice a year appointments.
For anyone who thinks it can't be done, all I can say is make the decision to change things and stick to it. It worked for me.

Shannon Holtgrave
Hillsboro, IL