Type II and ME

Hi there. My name is Andrea and I have Type II Diabetes. I found out when I was 28 and I am now 50. I lost 150 pounds when I found out. I have gone through most ways of controlling my levels. In the last few years, I started losing a few toes and am now a double amputee below the knees. I have not given up and continue to do all to stay as healthy as possible. Humor has a large medicine for my daughter and I. I am in a wheelchair for now and living in a nursing facility til my landlord has our new home ready for me. We have lost almost everything through this but remain strong. My future is to be an educator and advocate for diabetics and amputees
I have learned to eat correctly and I exercise regularly. Dealing with this was very scary in the beginning. But I find it easier daily. People with the "it won't happen to me" attitude upset me. My friends will warn others now, using me as an example. I try to explain to others how much all of this has changed my life but many turn away. I would love to educate.

Andrea Hill
Rochester, NY