Type 2

Hi my name is Andrea and I have Type 2 diabetes and I am 57 yrs old. I didn't recognize my symptoms right away. I was ALWAYS tired! I was ALWAYS thirsty. I work full time and I dreaded getting up in the morning to go to work. I couldn't wait to get out of work so I could go home and sleep. This went on for at least 5 months. I seriously thought it was because I was getting old. I had made my annual physical with my Dr.I explained my symptoms and she had the nurse come in and prick my finger. 350.! Still, it didn't mean much to me. She told me I was diabetic. She cancled my physical and we started discussing a plan of action. She put me on Metformin 2x a day. She set me up with a Diabetic nurse, and a nutritionist. She sent me to the lab to have an A1c done. it came back at 10.5. I changed my diet. I started eating lots of greens and low carb foods. I walk 15 mins in the morning, 15 mins in the afternoon, and for 30 or more mins after my dinner meal. I lost 28 lbs, and felt great. I went in early September to have my 3 month A1c done again and it was at 6.4! I continue to walk in morning and afternoon, Not so much in the evening now that the time change makes it dark out so early. I do have a elliptical machine that I am going to start using in the evening. I continue to feel good, and I am not tired any longer and can make it through the day feeling that I have accomplished something.

Andrea Ross
Westbrook, ME