Type 2 & over 40

I was diagnosed with type 2 about 3 years ago but just blow it off & didn't change anything in my life till I got real sick about 5 mths ago & went to family doctor for awful headaches & being super tired all the time & tingling in my toes. Yep my sugar was over 400 & was sent to a specialist. Well my world came crashing down when my AC1 was 8.2 & I was put on 2 insulins & more medication. Me & insulin aren't friends & after crying like a girl with the thought of injecting myself 4 times a day & me afraid of needles, I knew this relationship wasn't going to last, thank god. Over the next 3 months I worked on eating right, exercising daily & was hell bent on getting off insulin, which I am proud to say I am off at least one of them, cut my medications in half @ feeling better. As a result of earlier high glucose levels I am left with neuropathy and both legs but that is nor will it stop me from continuing to lead a better life style in hopes one day I might be about to be insulin free some day

Rose Vega
Shrewsbury, PA