TYPE 1 IDDM, it's my life.

Type One IDDM
Living processes:
Eating well balanced meals...exercise.. checking blood sugars....Dosing up with insulin accordingly.
Daily feelings:
Nausea, head ache..dizziness at times....lightheadedness.....just an over all "yuckiness" .
Vision problems...pain...nerve damage....necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum...increasing numbness year after year feet/ hands/ legs...
Basically I've been dying since 1991....but I will not give up!!
Even with uncontrollable blood sugars I have beaten many odds against me. Coupled with the Antibodies for Graves disease and with Coccidioidomycosis in my right lung , I shall continue to fight the fight till I can no longer.

Sarah Dunlop
Mexico, ME