Ty Martin age 6

This is Ty he has Type One Diabetes and is not letting that get in his way of doing anything! He loves playing t-ball and will be starting coach pitch next year, he plays basketball, and enjoys playing with his two little brothers. Ty will be in first grade this year and is an expert at his diabetes. We found out Ty had diabetes when he was 21 months old, he had been sick for a few days and was extremely thirsty, urinating out of his diapers, not eating , and then started breathing really heavy so we took him to the ER. They starting doing blood work, and called his pediatrician in to tell us he was diagnosed with type one diabetes. I had never heard of Type One Diabetes so for a mom this was very frightening for it to happen to my baby boy. They rushed us to OU Children's hospital where we stayed for a week and learned everything we needed to know to take care of him.

Looking back i thank God he was diagnosed at such a young age I do wish is never had happened BUT if it was going to happen sometime in his life I am very thankful it was then. All Ty knows is to check blood sugars before he eats and that he has to have insulin for his food. He doesn't know what its like to eat when he wants or to not have to be poked every day.

Ty has been diagnosed for 5 years now, currently wearing a pump, can check his blood sugar, give himself insulin through his pump. I asked him how he felt about it and he says "Good". Its his normal life to him he knows no different. He asked me, "why did u name me Ty? Why didn't you name me Tanir (brother) so I don't have to be diabetic?" He doesn't understand why he has to have diabetes and neither do we but God gave him diabetes for a reason we will find out sometime later in life!

Brook Martin
Seminole, OK