they've always called me a miracle <3

I was 3 years old at the time. Enjoying the small things in life like children do, getting dirty and playing outside all the time. but soon after my mother noticed i was getting sick and loosing weight. The Dr.'s brushing it off there shoulders saying "Caitlen has the stomach flu". There was symptoms of diabetes every where though, i was drinking mass amounts, I would twirl and spin in circles which my dr later told us that children do that when their sugar is so far into ketoacidosis that your body is just trying to burn sugar out. I was a skinny child as is but when i got sick I lost 1/3 of my body weight, my mother told me i looked like a doll i was so small.
later that night my parents knew something wasent right. I was rushed to the ER by ambulance, when i got to the hospital they hooked me up to a GLUCOSE IV and it sent me into over load. when the finally caught on and checked my BG it was over 1000!!! I was in the hospital for a week and a few days. Even though I went though so much Ive learned alot from it. Because i was so young i dont really remember a diffrent way of life.
I am now 20 years old and have been a type 1 for 17 years, and every day is still a struggle. I now have a pump and it has worked out quite well for me.
-Well that my story thanks for listing <3
Caitlen :)

Jamestown, NY