The Transition

The Transition
Oops! Oh No! What Now? Diagnosed with diabetics, the first fears and thoughts that ran through my being was What Now? So as I walked the parking lot leaving the doctor’s office, the first challenge was accepting the fact that I had a chronic condition. I turned to my sustainer, God give me the ability to accept this, and to help me learn how to fight the effects of this condition. Thus began a long battle of learning as much about diabetes as possible for a somewhat educated man. How did I learn? My first step was to find a provider (Doctor) that would take time to share with me the reasons for the medicines and what they did. I began developing a medical team of experts that understood their individual fields of expert, such as circulatory, kidneys, heart, weight, and the type of food to eat. It became a life style of living, what I can eat, and what to avoid, and keeping active. My success is that my diabetes is very well controlled, and I live each day to look forward to live more days. Therefore, at 67 years old I retired from a career of professional photography, with one major goal. That goal is to serve God and bless people, and for my wife and I to enjoy whatever life we have left. We love camping. The transition continues.

Mitch DeCanter
Guntown, MS