The saddest day of my life!!

I was 10 years old, in the 3rd grade and on a field trip with my school. that day in the school cafeteria I felt like I was going to pass out and everything seemed like a blur to me.

I came home from school and told my mother how I felt, she kept me home from school the next day to take me to the Dr's ,which I have had made several trips to during that year for what the Dr's said was stomach virus and/or UTI. When I woke up that morning both my eyes were extremely blood shot red. My mother thought maybe I had pink eye. We immediately headed off to an Urgent care , but on the way I asked my mom "How long before we get there?" my mom replied " Why? are you ok?" I said no I feel like I am having a hard time breathing. She immediately drove me to the nearest Emergency Room . That's where it all began. I had people all around me taking blood doing all kinds of test and one nurse pricked my finger with something I have never seen before.

Then the ER Doctor comes in my room and abruptly says to my mom " Your daughter is Diabetic type 1 and will need to be on insulin for the rest of her life" and left the room, no explanation, no nothing, that was it. I broke down in tears, I had no idea what Diabetes was and I thought I was going to die. My mom, in total shock, consoled me that I will be Ok then left the room to cry( because she didn't want to cry in front of me) and to talk to the doctor to get more information. The doctor said my blood sugars were 630 and that I needed to be transferred right away to a Children's Hospital, which I was and there I spent a week in the hospital with my mom learning all about diabetes. I am now 16 and still fighting this battle..

Kristin Allen
Prescott, AZ