The discovery of my type 2

A few yrs ago I started getting these secondary infections, first was a sinus infection, then an ear infection, then urinary tract infections, then yeast infections, these all came one after the other, usually clear up then come right back.. when I was treating the yeast infection for the third time at home I read through the pamphlet that came with the medicine that stated if you had 3 or more back to back to see a dr.. cause this could mean more was wrong, one of those things that could be wrong was diabetes. I checked other symptoms where and I had them all, blurry vision, tingling in my hands feet, peeing all the time and ex-stream thurst, . I was still thinking there was no way cause I did not realize diabetes could be caused by overweight and my obsession with carbs. My blood glucose was 280 with fasting, she told me about the A1C and I left there waiting to here my official diagnosis in shock. Turned out my A1C was 9.5, and I had a risk from both overweight and genetics, , I am overweight by about 30lbs love my carbs. Dr put me on metformin 2000mg/d, I got obsesive about my diet and exercise, next visit my A1C was 6.5.. she reduced my meds and I slacked off on my diet a year later my A1C was once again 9.5.. back on 2000mg and watching my diet again and hope to be back down to at least 7 when I go back.. Its a see saw, you see what can happen, had a coworker lose a toe, my aunt has had two strokes, its scary, but that don't make it any easier to fight this battle but I will fight. . Educate people about there diet because I did not understand the connection, question your blood work if you have not been diagnosed, cause I as at the Dr regular had annual blood work was never told you are border line or you need to watch your carbs and sugar.
Angie Griffin Williams
Wilkesboro, N.C.

Angie Williams
Wilkesboro, NC