The Diagnosis Day

I had be sick for about two weeks. Excessive thirst, hunger and urination. A friend's Mom told me it was a symptom of diabetes.
My Mom made a Dr. appointment, the evening before Good Friday. That was it, urine test in the office.
They allowed me to stay out until Easter was over, then to the hospital for 10 days.
I was 13 years old, it was 1978.
Went home with one type of insulin, Lente (only one shot a day) and urine sugar strips. I wonder now why I bothered to check, there was no sliding scale for high sugars.
In the 90's they switched me to NPH and R, that was the WORST thing ever ! ! ! 40 - 400 - 40. It would drop so low, so fast I hallucinated. One day I knew my street would be flooded, but dropped before I got home and drove thru the thigh high water. Another time I "came to" in a gas station parking lot, not on my way home. "Came to" in the shower, no recollection of getting out of bed.
Yeah, late 90's and switch to the pens.
Then to the Lantus and Humalog.
Finally the pump.
They have come SO far in 35 years. Had any of what I use now been available in 1978, I'm sure I'd be in much better condition.
Tslim, the small dose of only 0.01 unit, the BEST invention yet.

Cindy Groves
Orland Park, IL