The day my life changed

In April 2013, I decided I needed to get in shape and lose weight. I was 26, and the heaviest I have ever been. I weighed 167lbs. I started to lose weight slowly at first, but then by June the weight was falling off fast. I was really tired, and going to the bathroom all the time.
On July 3rd, I got up for work and it took all my strength to get ready for work. I was feeling really sick, but knew it was a really busy day at work. I am a teller at a credit union and stand all day. I could not stand for more than 15 minutes at a time without sitting down and resting. My co-worker called my boyfriend and told him to come pick me up and take me to the urgent care. I couldn't eat anything during the day, and was feeling so awful by the time I got off work. Once I was able to get into the car, we went to urgent care. I found out that I weighed 125lbs. After a bunch of questions, and a urine sample, someone came in to test my sugar. The machine said unreadable, and at that time I was told I was being directly admitted to the hospital. Once I got to the hospital I was told my sugar was over 1000 and I had DKA. I spent 5 days in the hospital, and found out my A1C was 15.9.
It has been a rough 4 months trying to change my eating habits and maintaining my sugar levels. It can be very stressful, and I was been depressed and in denial.
I was off work for 3 weeks after being released from the hospital, and I found out I had cataracts in my eye made of sugar deposits. That has cleared up, and my vision is normal again. My hair was falling out by the handfuls, but has slowed. In October, by A1C was down to 8.2. I know I am very lucky to be here and have no permanent damage.

Waterford, MI