The Day I Woke Up as a Type 1 Diabetic.

First I will start with a little bit about myself. As a kid I would love to challenge everybody to running races. I soon joined a track team and continued to run track in jr high school, sr high school and also ran on the cross country team. Even after high school I continued to run. I did everything from the high jump, running long jump, pentathlons, 200meter, 400meter, 800meter, 1600meter, 3200meter, 5k, 10k, 10 mile trail races and 20 mile trail races. I also love to ride a mountain bike and road bike, hike and horse around with my kids and dog. I also served as an infantry soldier in the US Army. The physical training in the Army wasn't enough so on my own I'd go on runs up to 25 miles on my free time. So being healthy my whole life has been important to me.

Soon I met the love of my life, Kim and we have an awesome son and a lovely princess and a great dog.

So at the age of 43, one night I woke up very thirsty, kept drinking water, kept on having to urinate every 15 minutes. The next day I woke up with severe leg cramps and blurred vision. The doc told me I had diabetes, my BG was 500, she thought I had type 2, but 2 weeks later after my blood work came back I actual was diagnoses with type 1. I lost around 40+ LBS and I thought I was going to die because I looked like a prisoner in a nazi concentration camp. A month later I was back to riding my bike 100 miles a week, then soon after that I was riding as much as 300 miles a week.

Brian Good
Littleton, CO