T1D at 38!

I love my job as a vet and I love my horses and my many hounds... and then in August 2013 at age 38.5 years I was diagnosed with Diabetes. Because of my age I was put on Metformin. Within 2 days I was critically ill but still went to work. I called the Medical Centre and was told it would take time to adjust to the medication... I told them that I "think they will find I am a Type 1 Diabetic".
It's all been up and down hill since then. I am a "brittle diabetic" - high one minute and low the next. In NZ you have to pass all sorts of criteria to get a pump. I am still waiting.
In the meantime I am enjoying my hounds and winning many show prizes, I am about to breed my young Hanovarian mare to a very special stallion. I had established a life I enjoyed before diabetes and I am going to see it through.
I will continue to practice, I will continue to breed, love, show and course my beautiful sighthounds and I will be starting my next home bred dressage horse in 4 years time. And on top of that you will see me compete at Grand Prix in dressage!
Kia Kaha... Diabetes might slow us for a bit but it can't stop us.

Huntly, New Zealand