Still going strong

I was diagnosed 42 years ago now. I was 7 years old and had no clue what was going on. I knew I felt awful and had no idea why. When my parents took me to the doctor, I still did not realize how very sick I was. I remember going there and getting some blood work done. As we pulled into our drive way, the hospital was already on the phone saying please come right back here now! I spent 7 days in the hospital and started taking insulin right away. I have to say that the shots did not bother me all that much because I started to feel so much better when I took them. I remember being told I should never have children. At 7 and sick that did not sink in. My blood sugar was in the high 800's when I was diagnosed and as any diabetic can tell you, that kind of high just makes you feel like drained! I have seen so many changes in the field of diabetes research in 42 years. When I started this journey, my mom boiled my glass needles to clean them before giving me my shots and now I am on a pump. Technology and research have come a long way so far so I believe there is no reason we cannot find a cure for type 1 diabetes in my lifetime. Today I feel so blessed to have a loving husband of 30 years, 2 healthy children of our own, 2 adopted children and 6 grandchildren! I still struggle daily with this monster called 'diabetes' but I come out on top because I am still here. I have lost some eyesight, my kidneys function at about 45%, I have had a heart attack and double bypass surgery and I have neuropathy in both feet. I will turn 50 this year. When I was 7, the doctors told me 50 was my life expectancy. My new goal is to prove them wrong! Send your positive thoughts and prayers my way and take care!

Judy Pape
Yakima, WA