Stand Tall and Never Give Up Hope

I was 31 when I got Type 1 diabetes. I knew the signs because both of my parents had it, but I do not believe it is hereditary but caused by stress which is how we got. It started with the stress, then the signs, but something happened that I did not realize or really even notice, it was Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum. After being in the 700's for a year on the pill the Dr finally sent me to specialist and then did not listen to him. So I was on the wrong insulin and still in the 300's long bad story short got an insulin pump and got control, but because of loosing my insurance I lost my pump and switched to many different insulin's. Now still not under control because I am addicted to overeating I feel low when I am below 200, I have lost all the weight I have gained back, been in the er on 5 different 5 day tours, been passed out twice and had the ems guys above me when I cam to and finally yes got ulcers on my Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum(NLD) spots. So insulin is not a cure and no one seems to know why or how some people with diabetes get NLD and some do not. How am I so lucky? I have read on the internet about NLD and found someone trying to figure out other peoples experience of how and when they got it. I also would love to hear other peoples stories about this and maybe we can figure it out together. We are so close to a cure we may already have and just don't know!

San Antonio, TX