Proving Everyone Wrong!

Summer 2012, I was living on the island of Trinidad (Caribbean) - blogging (Learning Patience on FB), running and loving life. One day, I jumped in a pool and I accidentally sat on my right foot, big toe touching heel on the bottom of the pool. An aircast was slapped on for the next 8 weeks. While visiting my parents in the US, I was given the go ahead to finally start running again. I was happy but I felt horrible. My eyes were bone dry and I had severe heartburn. I just knew something was wrong. My family teased me for going to the ER the next morning. The nurse told me I had jetlag & to go home, but I refused. Minutes later, she returned saying she'd made a mistake. I had Type 2 diabetes. My BS was 945. She gave me Metformin, told me to eat better and sent me home. At 5'9, 130lbs and a vegetarian my whole life, I couldn't understand how I got Type2. I took the meds and the next morning went running at 5am. On my third step, I collapsed and I couldn't breathe. My dad found me, called the pharmacy was told I was given the wrong medicine. I wasn't a T2, I was a T1 and the Metformin was killing me. I made it to the ER, barely. Turns out, I should've never been released and now I was minutes from slipping into a coma. Every organ in my body was failing and my keytones were at 99. 7 days later, I was released with an A1C of 13.5. Three months later, my A1C was down to 6 and I was running again! Unfortunately, foot surgery was needed and 12 pieces of titanium later I was side-lined for 4mnths and was told I would never run again. 7mnths post cast, in Oct 2013, I finished my comeback half marathon with a PB time of 1:58. This week marked my 2yr diagnosis anniversary and I'm running faster than EVER before...
I REFUSE to let this horrible disease get in my way!

Corey melke Hinz
London, United Kingdom